Archive | HVAC Maintenance

  • Living Room with Balcony

    Why is Water Treatment Necessary?

    The quality of your tap water depends on many factors, such as the source of your water, how your water is disinfected, the condition of your area’s water delivery pipes, or the location of your well. Unfortunately, just like many other homeowners, you may be dealing with hard water— which can, over time, cause many [...]

  • Can I Install My Own HVAC Unit

    Can I Install My Own HVAC Unit?

    You need a new HVAC unit and you’re tempted to try to install it yourself, because – how hard can it really be? At UGI Heating, Cooling & Plumbing, we have, unfortunately, seen disastrous results with homeowners taking HVAC installations into their own hands. While many DIY projects can help you save money, redoing or [...]

  • Cat and Dog snuggling

    HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners

    Our pets, with their loyal companionship and unconditional love, become our family. Having furry babies is a rewarding experience, and at the same time a responsibility that cannot be taken lightly – our job is to provide them with a safe and loving home environment. And, this means that we need to consider taking some [...]