Archive | Heating

  • UGI HVAC technician walking into home with AC unit testing equipment

    Holiday Safety Tips

    The holiday season has finally arrived and many of us are hoping to (finally) be able to resume normal festivities like family gatherings and holiday parties. With so much to do and so little time, many people overlook safety when it comes to their HVAC system. [...]

  • Warm gas fireplace with cozy chair next to it

    Do Gas Fireplaces Really Heat a Room?

    The fireplace started out as a necessity in many homes when it was first introduced. Being a source of light, a place to cook meals, and doubling as a utility to heat the home, one could almost say that the fireplace was integral for survival. We have obviously come a very long way since back then and while the fireplace isn’t used [...]

  • Whole Home Humidifier

    Pros and Cons of a Whole Home Humidifier

    We spend the majority of our time indoor, so having optimal indoor humidity level and quality air is essential for our wellbeing. High humidity levels can have the negative impact on not just the energy bills, but, more importantly, also on family health, as well as the overall health of your home. Humidity impacts our [...]

  • Living Room with Balcony

    Ways to Keep Your Home Warm in the Winter

    Harsh winter months are upon us – and you want your home to be warm, cozy and safe for you and your loved ones. Here are some ways to ensure your home is warm throughout the winter: Check Your Vents Every heater service and repair technician can tell a story or two about a cold [...]