• Warm gas fireplace with cozy chair next to it

    Do Gas Fireplaces Really Heat a Room?

    The fireplace started out as a necessity in many homes when it was first introduced. Being a source of light, a place to cook meals, and doubling as a utility to heat the home, one could almost say that the fireplace was integral for survival. We have obviously come a very long way since back then and while the fireplace isn’t used [...]

  • Woman blowing her nose into a tissue

    Do Home Air Filter Systems Make a Difference?

    Pollutants, such as smells, smoke, dust, and pet dander are everywhere in your home. Indoor air may contain up to five times the amount of contaminants found in outside air. Home air filters may be able to target unhealthy air that seeps into your house, which is particularly useful if you live in a region prone to pollution [...]

  • Repair man working on AC Unit

    Why Is My Air Conditioner Blowing Hot Air?

    Summer is officially underway! It is a great time of year to fire up the grill for a BBQ, play some games or sports outside, enjoy a great day of hiking and biking, or even get some much-needed yard work done. But when the heat gets to be too much, you want to be able to go inside, cool off, and enjoy your nice air-conditioned home. But what if you go [...]

  • Best Cooling Options for a Sunroom

    Best Cooling Options for a Sunroom

    Summer in the northeast can be hot, humid, and unpleasant at times. Whether you’ve had one for years, or are planning on building one this summer, a sunroom is a great way to enjoy some of the warmer weather this season without being bothered by some of the uncomfortable heat from [...]

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