• Digital rendition of house with rating system A-G

    Energy Audits: What They Are and Why We Do Them

    A Home energy audit may sound too serious or unnecessary to some, but more and more people have come to understand the important role it plays in solving many of your home’s challenges, saving energy money, and even in pinpointing maintenance and safety issues. With extremely cold, snowy winters, and very hot summer weather, an [...]

  • Large house in wooded lot covered in snow

    It’s Not the Heat, It’s the Humidity

    In the summer, your cooling system is your best friend. You wanted to make sure your AC is there for you and your family, so you checked that it’s working properly and set your thermostat to deal with the dog days of a Pennsylvania summer. If, on a scorching hot summer day, you still feel [...]

  • Large house in wooded lot covered in snow

    Converting to Natural Gas Increases Your Home Value

    Over time, many people renovate their kitchen or master bathroom. These two rooms are usually the most important selling points of any home, and where home values are determined. There is another factor that greatly impacts home value as well: the choice of energy within the home. When moving or building a new home, many [...]

  • Nest learning thermostat

    Smart Thermostat

    Everything seems to be getting “smarter” these days: Smartphone, Smart TV, Smart Board, etc. Now, even your thermostat is getting smarter. Yes, the thing you use to set the temperature inside your home is getting a facelift. No longer are the days where you are constantly adjusting the thermostat throughout your busy day to try [...]

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