Emergencies Happen – Is Your Home Prepared?
If you’ve ever lived in severe cold or extremely hot weather, you know how it feels to have power outages – even just trying to do your daily activities without power in any season can cause a lot of inconvenience, as well as dangers, such as spoiled food in the fridge and freezer.
Emergencies do happen and they are unpredictable. While you might be able to get by for a day or so, knowing that you might be without power for much longer brings your family’s safety and comfort into a big question.
Overall peace of mind and sense of security in your home is paramount, yet the benefits of owning a whole home generator don’t stop there; they include many specific benefits to support you and your family during a power outage.
Here are the benefits of being prepared in case of emergencies by investing in a whole home emergency generator:
- Indoor climate control
- Keeping your Phones Charged
- Preventing Food Spoilage
- Ability to Run Electrical Home Medical Devices
- Use of Lighting
- Use of Television, Computers, And Smart Devices
- Protection of Comfort-Critical Home Heaters and Air Conditioners.
- Automatic Turn on When Public Power Fails
Whole home generators can power your refrigerators & freezers, PC’s, alarms, lighting, and more – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. And, it is such a seamless process that protected homeowners have said “we never even knew the power went out!”
If you run a business or a farm, there’s huge peace of mind knowing that generators will protect Primary Office Networks, Production Equipment, and Climate-Control Systems.
Power outages don’t have to leave you “powerless” – be proactive and act now to ensure you’re all set before another storm or any type of emergency hits!
Weather those wild summer thunderstorms without worry, and keep your family, pets and pipes safe and warm in the worst winter storms with a whole home generator – turn to UGI Heating, Cooling & Plumbing, along with our affiliate company, Denny’s Electric Service. UGI HVAC will set you up with the natural gas lines or propane equipment to fuel your generator, and Denny’s will install the generator and patch it into your home’s electrical systems.
When searching for reliable HVAC companies, trust UGI Heating, Cooling & Plumbing for all of your whole-home HVAC needs, including installation and repair of whole home whole home Generac generators in Lancaster, PA, Reading, PA, Harrisburg, PA, and Lehigh Valley, PA. The generators run on either natural gas or propane.
UGI Heating, Cooling & Plumbing and Denny’s Electric Service can properly size your home and match equipment options to meet your unique needs. Technicians and installers from Denny’s Electric Service are specialists in Generac Generators, Koehler Generators, and other brands.
Annual maintenance plans are available for your home generator as well.
Our skilled HVAC technicians are available for HVAC repairs any time of the day or night, even on holidays, even in the middle of a storm, to make sure your home is safe and comfy by delivering solutions customized for your household.
Connect with us now or call us at 1-833-980-3496.
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